3 Secrets of Warren Buffet


Whenever we talk about the stock market, the name of Warren Buffett definitely remains the most successful investor of the century. Apart from being the biggest investor in the world, he is also known for many other qualities. Like donating $ 28 billion, reading the pages 700 to  800 pages of books a day, and not knowing how many public speaking and writing very good books. Today we will talk here about some turning points, which came in the life of Warren Buffett. And because of the same events, he was able to achieve so many successes today.

Don’t sell your shares quickly 

Warren Buffett made his first investment in the stock market at the age of 11. And these shares were City Service. Which he bought for $38, and after buying it came down to $27.Then he did nothing, thinking that it would be right to wait, he kept waiting. After that Citi Services shares went up to $40. And this was where he sold all the shares of Citi Services. But it was the market boom that took Citi Service shares to $200. That’s when Warren Buffett understood that one should never sell his shares in a hurry. Warren Buffett, who considers himself to be 85% Benjamin Graham 15% Philip Arthur Fisher, learned the skill of not selling shares from the Philip Arthur Fisher.

Don’t sell your shares quickly investment unblocked

Make a mentor in the stock market

Warren Buffett got himself enrolled at Cambridge University in 1951, and here he meets his mentor Benjamin Graham. He had read many of his books even before meeting him. Warren Buffett knew more about Benjamin’s work than many students did not know about it. Not only value investing in the stock market from Benjamin Graham, he learned many things like the Margin of Safety business cycle with him. And this was the thing that Warren Buffett follows till today. In value investing, he used to choose such stocks and such positions, except growth stocks, which are not noticed by the public and are trading in undervalued markets. He used to buy the same shares and sell them when the market gives him a good value. He used to make a lot of profit from it.

Warren Buffett believes that if you want to move forward if you have a stock market or any industry, then choose a role model of your own, choose an influencer, Which helps you to take decisions in right and wrong time and by following which you can go a long way in your sector. You may know strategy or any kind of information in the market, which helps you to make money in the stock market. There are many good courses available online in India which can teach you the stock market. Where you can also find a good mentor. Stock market Mentor.

Stock market mentor investment unblocked

Control your emotion in the stock market 

In the 1960s, Warren Buffett bought a lot of company shares and made a lot of money in them. But a time came, he started investing in a company named Briskey Hathway. That company’s shares gradually went down, and Warren Buffett kept investing in the same shares. That company gradually transformed into a loss-making company and Warren Buffett’s money started falling very fast. And this thing hurt his feelings very much. Flowing in the expressions of his feelings, he bought more shares of the same company. The more the shares fell, the more they were bought. In 1965, due to the largest share in this company, all the control of the company came into the hands of Warren Buffett. Then when they got control in their hands, they saw that the company was doing huge losses in the textile industry, they immediately got the textile industry closed, and converted it into a broking investing firm. In today’s day, the share price of Briskey Hathway is running around $ 200000. Even though he bought all the shares of this company and took it under his control, making his hold in its management and converting this company into a separate sector. It is not as easy as it sounds. For this reason, Warren Buffett ji always explains to his investor that if any stock falls and there is a possibility of a lot of loss in it, then book it as soon as possible. You may be able to make even more money in the coming time with whatever money you have left in your hands. Even though Warren Buffett changed the sector of Briskey Hathway’s company and made it into such a big company, it is not everyone’s hand, nor will it be able to do this work with less time or less money. Your emotions get you in more and more trouble. Understand these feelings and make yourself capable, that in the future, like Warren Buffett, you should not be trapped in any shares. 

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